Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Decorating Ideas – Give A Twist To Your Holiday Tablescape This Holiday Season

After spending hours for cooking up delicious Christmas dinner, it is a necessity that all the table decorations are placed perfectly. Brussels sprouts, cinnamon sugar, turkey and all the delicacies that are pain stickingly prepared for family and friends. We are continuing our Christmas Decorating Ideas series with Table Decorations in this post.

Before the food, comes the tablescape. It is a great idea to place a table cloth on the table which has an air of Christmas in its feel and texture. Choose a table cloth in red, white and green for a festive look. Put a pedestal tray as a center piece with some pomegranates, corn ears and the like placed on it. If you do not want to place a table cloth to show off your mahogany table, let a table runner run across the length of the dining table.

Burlap Star Wine Table Runner available at Viva Home Decor
Burlap Star Wine Table Runner
Break the monotony of the table runner with small Christmas figurines like reindeers or Christmas trees. Make sure you do not clutter the table. Add warmth to the tablescape by placing a few candles with stylish wired candle older along the center line.

Place the flatware on top of the napkin which can have a Christmas design or choose red napkins for the festive feel. You may feel free to use placemats for the dinner plates if you are not using a table cloth.
Dasher Table Runner available at Viva Home Decor
Dasher Table Runner
Remember to break the monotony of reds and green with whites and gold. Tie a short thread to the silver and gold colored decorative shiny ornaments, subtly tape them to the table to add a festive look as well as break the monotony. Place them around the candle holder and see the light of the candle that reflects from these ornamental decorations. To give a less formal look to the table, you can choose to layer the china in a stylish way creating a combination of the new with the old.

Instead of just placing candles or a center piece along the length of the table, you can use different levels of flower and candles to create a center piece. Place flower holder with real flower and alternate it with candles with holder at a lower height. You may place pinecones at the base of the candle holder if you have a very big dining table.

For the kids table, you can create a White Christmas wonderland theme. Use gingerbread houses, marshmallow, white roses, chrysanthemums and hydrangeas. I know it will be a task to clean the white after the party, but it is worth the effort as kids will just love this white wonderland.

Wooden Candle Holder available at Viva Home Decor
Wooden Candle Holder
The table for the gifts can be kept simply yet classy. Place a white tablecloth on the table, place a multiple candle holders with candles. Place gold-wrapped chocolates all along the center along with few shiny decorative ornaments. Place the gifts along the periphery of the table. You can add a twist to the wrapping by using pink instead of red wrapping paper.

Gifts that can be given this festive season include photo frames, wall hooks, table decorative, pot holders, kitchen apparel, napkins, table cloths, mats and rugs to list a few.

With Christmas literally round the corner what can be more convenient then to have all the stuff you need to be delivered to your doorstep? No need to step out of the house and shop for Christmas gifts or home decorative. Simply visit Viva Home Decor, the leading online portal to find the right table cloths, table runners, napkins, Christmas gifts and table decoration. Get them delivered to you for free when you shop for over $ 25. Save and earn this Christmas. Wow your guest this Christmas with amazing table decorations and gifts from viva home decor.


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